In other cases, the device uses apps to convert the video to 3GP before playing it. Now you may be asking yourself, where can I download these videos? Here are the 10 websites that focus primarily on offering 3GP videos.įztvseries is the leading website in providing TV shows in both AVI and 3GP to the public. In fact, they are committed to release each episode with 1 hour after it has aired. It also has a FAQ section and a Facebook page to help users to troubleshoot problems. Moreover, users are able to comment on the quality of the videos and if ever someone cannot download from the site, they can request other users to individually send them the video. I was able to download the whole episode in a few seconds. O2tvseries snatches the second place because of its very easy to use interface and high speeds. With over 401k likes on Facebook, it is one of most popular websites in its niche. Videos are available in both MP4 and 3GP formats. #3GP MOBILE MOVIES BOLLYWOOD IN HINDI DOWNLOAD MP4#

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